Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hobby Lobby Score!

I love a great find, don't you.  
This time I really Scored!  
I was waiting for the DMV to open
 and had some time to kill, so why not wander the isles of Hobby Lobby right?  
I walked down the clearance isle and found this beautiful 
Huge clock!  
I walked past it a few times, falling more and more in love with it.  
So I called my hubs and asked if I could spend $5 on a clock.  
He goes, "yeah, I guess so.  
You know you don't really need to 
ask to spend $5." 
I know but this was such a great find, I had to share immediately.  
So I took it up to the cashier and she was stunned at the price.  
"You sure got a great deal on this clock!"  Yes.  Yes I did!

I really did only spend $5 
on this 30 inch clock.

Why was it marked down to $5 you ask?
Well, it looked like someone ran over it with a cart or something metal.

Here's the before and after Pics.

 My hubs didn't think I could  fix it.  He was pleasantly surprised.

 I used a dishcloth and a hammer to pound out the major dents.  I wanted to keep some of the small ones because I like the distressed look.

Next I got out some vaseline and a cotton ball.  I've seen this technique on Pinterest and was dying to try it out.

Using the cotton ball, I rubbed some vaseline on some places randomly around the clock.  Then taped off the face with painters tape and gave it 2 coats of black flat spray paint.  Let the paint dry and using a piece of sand paper, rub off the paint where the vaseline is.
Here's a close up of where the vaseline was.  The origional brown shows through perfectly.  Love it.

A few more shots of my new favorite clock!

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