Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homemade Bread and Butter Pickles

I'm so excited that the Market on the Move has started up again.  If you want to know more about it, go here.  I'm not sure if you can find similar orgainizations in other locations, but if you are in Phoenix, you are super lucky.  I literally filled up my huge laundry basket full of Cucumbers, Yellow Squash, and 2 kinds of Tomatoes.  All for $10!  Yep, only $10!  The choices vary week to week, but it's usually veggies.
It's been years since I've made pickles and with this screamin' deal on Cucumbers, I couldn't pass it up.  My family is a Bread and Butter Pickle family.  I'm not partial to any one kind, but these are super yummy and pretty easy to make.  Just a little time consuming, but toally worth it.

Bread and Butter Pickles

I washed the cucumbers in water with a splash of vinegar to kill any pesticides or bugs.
Next slice the cucumbers to desired thickness and shape.
I used my Pampered Chef slicer. I love the wavy cut it makes.
If you had a mandolin for slicing, that would work fabulously too.

Put cucumber slices in a large bowl.  Sprinkle pickling salt or Kosher Salt on each layer.
Don't be skimpy, but you don't need to be overly generous either.

Layer it all the way up and then cover the cucumbers with ice and let sit for 1 1/2 hours.  You can use this time to prepare your jars and get the ingredients together for pickling.

In a large stock pot combine the following:
3 cups vinegar
2 cups sugar
2 Tbsp mustard seed
2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp celery seed
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp peppercorns

Bring to a boil.  Then add 14 cups of cucumbers.  I used my 2 cup pyrex measuring cup and made measuring things easy.  Return the cucumber mixture to a boil, stirring occationally.  The cucumber skins will darken.

Ladle mixture into prepared jars.  Fix lids and rings and process for 10 minutes in a water bath, or steam canner.  Remove and let cool for 24 hours.  Check seals, lable with the date and add to your pantry.

Homemade Bread and Butter Pickles.

When's the next time we have hamburgers? or hoagies? or chicken salad? or...


  1. Can't wait to try this...I do have a question about the fabric flower post...Would you mind posting directions on how to do this? Many thanks

    1. Thanks so much Denise. I have a long fabric flower post with several versions of flower that you can see here: http://seeshellspace.blogspot.com/2011/02/beautiful-fabric-wreath.html
      Please share what you make. I'd love to see it and repost it if that's OK with you.
