Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Super-de-dooper Easy Jalapeno Jelly

It was another week at Market on the Move.  
This time I scored big time because there was no limit.  
I think I truly came home with 60 lbs of produce for only $10.  
One box was so heavy with sweet potatoes and honeydew that I had to have help carrying it, 
no thanks to my injured elbow.  
I really need to have that looked at.

Any-who, I got this recipe from Shar's.  It was at their Holiday Gifts class.  
I guess you could make this to give away, 
but once in a while it's nice to be selfish.  
I would be happy to share this jelly at a dinner party, but keep most of it for me!  
Well my husband too, if he asks nicely. ;)

I'm a baby when it comes to hot and spicy things.  
I've actually never bought a jalapeno before.  
But after trying this yummy jelly, I'm sold.  

Plus this recipe is super easy.  
No Steam or Boiling water canner.  No pressure canner.
All you need is a blender and a stock pot.  That's it.
And you can whip up a batch in about 20 minutes.  
Of course you'll have to wait 24 hours for it to set and seal, 
but for minimal work, 
you get something yummy and definitely a little different.

 Jalapeno Jelly

Gather your vegetables.  The color of the peppers doesn't matter.  
Since I only got Orange and Red, that's what I used, 
but green would be fabulous too and if you're allergic to the dyes in food coloring, use all green.

Wash, seed, and chop 3-4 bell peppers.

Next put gloves on.
I'm serious.
Put Gloves On!

To cut and seed the jalapenos, you need to wear gloves otherwise you'll have 1st degree burns on your hands.
My brain went out the window during clean up and I took them off.
Big mistake!  I only got a little bit on my right hand, 
but it burned and throbbed for the rest of the night.
SO... please please please - put gloves on when you are handling the Jalapenos.

You will need 6-10 jalapenos.
Remove the stems and use your thumb to push out the center seeds and veins.  
Immediately put in trash so no one accidentally touches them.

Now put the peppers and jalapenos in the blender and blend until well chopped.

Then add:
 1 cup cider vinegar
1/2 tsp butter
1 package of pectin

Blend well until desired consistency.  I left mine on high for 2-3 minutes.

Prepare jars.  This batch makes 3 1/2 pints of jelly.

Measure out 5 cups of sugar and set aside.

Pour the pepper/jalapeno mixture in a stock pot and bring to a full boil.
Boil for 1 minute.
Add sugar all at once and stir to mix.  Return to a full boil and  boil for 1 minute more.
Remove from heat.

Add green food coloring, one drop at a time until desired color.  I went a little heavy, about 10 drops.
If you're allergic to dyes, leave this step out.

Prepare lids in hot water in a sauce pan.

Ladle jelly into jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
Attach lids and rings and tighten.

Place jars upside down on a wire rack for about 1-2 hours.
Turn jars right side up and let sit for 24 hours.

Lable with date and DONE!

Easy peasy!

This jelly is scrumptious over cream cheese with crackers.

I'm canning a bunch more things this week.  Be sure to come back for the how-to's for sweet potatoes, grapefruit juice, vegetable stock, and tomato sauce.  
Let me just say... my house smells FABULOUS this week!

Just a side note:

If you add 1/2 a can of crushed pineapple to the recipe it makes a fabulous 
sweet and sour sauce!


  1. That is so funny that you posted this because I was seriously trying to buy this at the grocery store for our New Years Eve party for the cream cheese and cracker thing but they didn't have it! Now I can just make it myself! As always you are amazing Shell!

  2. How much is 1 package of pectin? Is it the 1.75 oz? Thank you!
