Monday, February 4, 2013

Heavenly Homemade Cream of Wheat

I know.  I'm a baby about cooked cereal too.  I know it's good for me, 
but sometimes I really don't want to eat it.  
Plus I haven't been a big fan of store bought Cream of Wheat in the past.  
Plus I just can't do those little oatmeal packets.  
To me it's like eating 1/3 cup sugar and lasts about 
5 minutes in my tummy and I'm hungry again.
But I love whole grains and completely believe 
in their wholesome good for you nature!
So when I tried this recipe, I fell in love with cooked cereal.  
Plus the best part about making it was when son #2 saw me making it 
and asked what it was.  I said, "Cream of Wheat."  
He goes, "Sweet!" then after trying it asked if we could have it every morning. 

Yes.  Yes we can.

But don't think all my kids are like that.  
I have a couple who it was difficult to get them to eat theirs.
Luckily this is a simple recipe and you can doctor it up any way you wish.  
I like to keep things simple, but do what you have to so the kiddo's will eat it.  
I completely understand.  
My oldest lived on Powerbars his first few years of life because he was so picky.  
It was about the only thing I could get him to eat.  
Now he chooses to eat the healthyest of all of them. 
 Whole grains, fruit, and lots of veggies so I can't complain too much.
And  yes, he really likes this Cream of Wheat.
So let's get cracking. 
 It's morning afterall and I have already made a batch for my early risers.
The second batch will be made shortly for the rest of the kids.

Heavenly Homemade Cream of Wheat

In your grain grinder, change the setting to the cereal setting, or the coursest grind setting.
I combined hard white wheat and hard red wheat, but will probably change things up in the future.
Maybe my favorite blend of hard white, hard red, soft white wheat and kamut.

Grind your wheat.  It turns out like this.
In a sauce pan combine:
1/3 cup course ground wheat
1 cup water
pinch of salt

Use a whisk and set the temperature to medium high.
Continue to whisk until the mixture becomes thick and creamy.  About 4-6 minutes.

 Remove from heat and add 1 Tbsp Coconut oil
and 1 Tbsp honey (more or less to taste)

Mix well and add about 1 Tbsp of milk to cream things up a bit.
Again add more or less to taste.

Dish it up, sprinkle a little cinnamon on top and serve.

I'm not such a baby about cooked cereal anymore.
It's even good cold.
Yes.  I really said that.

Now back to the kitchen to make batch #2.
To feed my family of 7, I usually 4-5 times the recipe.
Oh yeah, grind enough grain so you will have some on hand for next time. 
Store the unused portion in an airtight container in the freezer.
Not too bad for a freezer meal that takes 4 minutes to prepare!
