Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Man's shirt Challenge

Summer means staying inside to escape the sweltering heat 
around here and that means sewing projects.  
My husband recently gave me a couple of his shirts that 
he doesn't want anymore and said, 
"Let's see what you can do with these."  

Challenge on.  
Challenge accepted.  

My girl needed something new so I decided to make something for her.  
I know in the pics above the shirt color is different.  
My boy accidentally deleted the original photo of my girl 
in the shirt pre-refashioning so I had to take a quick pic of her in another shirt.  
They are exactly the same, 
I just wanted you to get the idea of what the before's and after's look like.

So here's the before.  Way too big.  Not a cute look for my cute girl.
So let's start cutting and picking out.

First remove the front pocket by carefully picking out the stitching.

Now let's start chopping.  First the sleeves have to go.

Next cut straight across just below the collar on the front side.

Flip the shirt over and cut a straight line across the yoke.

Now for the front bodice. 
This will be made out of the back of the shirt.
Measure your girl, 
or yourself if this is for you to get the front measurement from the chest to the waist.
Cut straight across the shirt at the desired length.

I wanted to add some pin-tucks to the front of the boddice.
Pin in place.

Then straight stitch down.

Now for the arm holes.  
I measured from the top of the shoulder to under the arm.
Put pins or mark where those measurments line up.

Fold the bodice in half and cut the armhole like shown.

Here it is unfolded.

Lay the front bodice over the front of the shirt where the buttons are.  
Cut an identical piece out.

With the rest of the shirt, cut straight across.
This piece will be the skirt.

Cut the curvy part off too. 
This part is optional, depending on the look you are going for.

Now I need some bias tape for the shoulder straps.  
Cut the sleeve completely open.

Cut some diagonal strips like shown.

Seam the strips together. 
I didn't know how much exactly I would need for the straps 
so I made one continuous strip of bias tape.  
Sew together like shown.

I top stitched each junction.

Now we are ready to assemble the dress.

Pin the front and back bodice pieces together with right sides facing each other.  
Sew side seams.
I topstitched each side seam too.

Gather up the skirt.  
I'm using my gathering foot, but use any method you're comfortable with.

Pin bias tape to the top edge of the wrong side of each piece of the bodice.  
Stitch in place.

For the front bodice, fold the bias tape over then stitch in place across the front of the bodice.

Follow the same method for the arm holes.
Start at the back of the bodice sewing the bias tape in place.  
Fold over the starting point fabric.
This will give you a clean edge for the strap when you attach the other side.

Clip the curve of the arm hole like shown.  This will make the curve easier to sew in place.

Measure the length you need for the strap around the shoulder.  
Top stitch the bias tape in place, 
tucking the end of the strap inside the folded piece you started with.
I added another top stitch to secure the joint.

Roll hem the bottom edge of the skirt.

This was just slightly too short for my girl 
so I dug through my stash and found 
a gorgeous piece of eyelet that originally 
was a dust ruffle I found at Goodwill a long time ago. 
It's been sitting patiently waiting for me to use it.  
Today was the day.  
And I still have plenty left over for another day.  

Gather the eyelet piece.

Pin everything together matching right sides.

Serge or zigzag in place.  
I added another straight stitch line to secure everything and give me a clean seam.

And done!

I'm so loving the buttons down the back!

From a Man's Shirt...

To a super cute dress!

Happy Surviving the Summer Heat!

PS.  My Husband didn't believe me when I told him that I made the dress from his shirt.
How's that for Challenge Beaten!

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