Saturday, March 29, 2014

Frame it up!

I usually scour pinterest for ideas on what to do with 
my stash of Pallet wood for pieces to take over to Twigs and Twine
I've thought about a possible frame for a long time
and finally found something that I fell in love with. 
The pinterest link is here.  
It's from an etsy site that no longer carries the frame, 
but I loved the design.  

Very simple. 
But of course I needed to change it up a bit and make it mine.  

I always do.

Plus I have loved playing with different colors like I did with the arrows. 

Very fun.  
A little funky.  

This frame it very big.  
The side and cross pieces are full pallet wood slats.  
The rest of the pieces are cut down from my scraps left over 
from making the arrows, plus one or 2 more slats.

I laid out all the pieces to dry fit them togethter and make sure they would line up.
Then sanded all the pieces and randomly painted a few of them.
Screwed it all together and stapled the chicken wire to the back.
A quick coat of polyurethane and some hanging wire and it's done.
I did add 4 triangle pieces to the back corners to raise the frame a bit from the wall
to make hanging pictures easier.
I purchased a small pack of tiny clothes-pins from 
Michael's with my 40% off coupon so they only cost me about $2 and I didn't use all of them.
The rest of the materials I already had.

I put it over my couch for display.
I love how I could change out the pictures easily.
I'm definitely going to make one for me soon.
It would also make a great message board in the kitchen.

Isn't it Lov-er-ly?
(I just watched My Fair Lady recently.)

Here it is up over at Twigs and Twine.

Happy Crafting!

I linked up over at Beyond the Picket Fence.
Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. I love this--it is right up my alley and I will be featuring it tomorrow night!

  2. It is Lov-er-ly! Great idea for displaying photos.
