Monday, June 16, 2014

Here Birdy Birdy!

I regularly get requests for bird images on my pallet wood boards.
I think I've done this image maybe 20 times.

It never gets old.

This one wasn't a custom request, I just felt like I needed to do it.
Then when I dropped off the latest batch over at Twigs and Twine,
{M} asked me if this was the custom one they had a customer reqest.

I hadn't heard of any request.

I guess I was just on the right wavelength that day.
That doesn't happen often, but is so nice when it does.

The image comes from The Graphics Fairy here.

I will use different parts of the image depending on what look I'm going for.
This time I did the 4th line from the bottom.

The boards got screwed together, a light blue wash,
then I drew the image on with a Sharpie.
Not my regular method of paint and paintbrush,
but much more control.

If I could find a good paint pen that actually worked right all the time,
I would probably switch, but I haven't found one yet that works the way I want it to.

Someday maybe.

The next two pics are from Twigs and Twine.
The middle board used the same graphic, I just painted the birds in rather than outlining the image.

The same for the bottom board.
I thought it would be fun to paint one of the birds Orange.
Kind of a "Be your own kind of Beautiful."

I just don't always have time to stage the boards for the blog
before delivery.
I try.
But sometimes it just doesn't happen.

Pretty Birds all in a row.


  1. These birdies are super cute. I love what you do with the pallets. Brilliant. I would love it if you would share this fab post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us!

