Monday, July 28, 2014

A Majestic Piece of Pallet Art

It's been a little while since my last post.

Kids home from school.
Summer vacations.
Pool time.

I haven't made time for posting lately.
Life has been a little crazy.
Not that I haven't been making Pallet stuff.
I have.

2 weeks ago I had a huge batch of custom orders
which of course I didn't get around to taking pictures of.
But they were very custom.
Names and dates.
Personal sayings. etc.

But before I get to one I did just 'cause I wanted to,
I would like to share my favorite little piece of heaven.
It's my families Ranch purchased by my great grandparents years and years ago
so the family had a place to gather for Family Reunions.

It's been a huge blessing for our family.
Some of my fondest and funnest memories were created in this little valley
that doesn't get cell reception.  
You have to turn on a generator for electricity.
The water comes from a spring in the mountain.
A place where kids run free.
Parents sit and visit.
Teenagers take hikes around the mountains.
And everyone stays up super late playing card games and reminiscing.

We got to spend a week there again this summer.
It was Heavenly!

Since I got to spend so much time in the great outdoors,
I had to do a deer piece of pallet art.
We actually saw several of these majestic creatures as we
roamed around the mountains.
It took me a little while to find the perfect image.
This is the one I settled on.

I did a quick vinegar/steel wool wash on the pallet wood after screwing them together.
Then painted the image using a creamy white.
A bit of hanging hardware and it's ready for a Man Cave.
Or mountain cabin.
Maybe even a living room.

I love how it turned out.
Hopefully I will get some good feedback from the store, 
and it will sell quickly.
So nice when that happens!

Here it is over at Twigs and Twine.

I love it!

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