Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Some Steampunk in the Sky

I guess you could say I'm fascinated with Steampunk.
Honestly I had no idea what it was until a Castle and Phineas and Ferb episode.

I know.  I'm a nerd... and a little naive.

I'm defintely not obsessed, nor do I dress up and go to Steampunk Parties.
But the images really captivate me.

ie. The bicycle here and here I've been painting for the last few weeks.

I want to play with some more steampunk images, 
but am a little apprehensive since many of them are very detailed
which doesn't translate well to pallet wood.
But I found this cute airplane over at The Graphics Fairy and loved it.

Simple and fun.

I think it would be perfect for a boys room or a nursery.

This one got a light whitewash, then a light blue wash to imitate the sky.
I off centered the plane just a bit to give a more 'in flight' look.

Up up and away!

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