Friday, October 24, 2014

Busy Busy... with some Arrows!

I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted.
Life has been really crazy... stressful... more crazy... busy... and more busy lately.
I'm still creating with pallet wood nearly all the time,
but since my iPhoto crashed because I didn't upgrade my operating system (Ugh!)
I haven't been able to access the pics of the latest projects.

I still have a little soft spot in my heart for arrows.
I love making them!  I still make these all the time because they always, always sell!
Each batch is a little different, sized, color, etc. but still fun and funky.

{J} over at Twigs and Twine has asked me to do some string art for a while.
I though I could try it with arrows instead of the generic hearts you see all over pinterest.


Especially for a crafting ADD girl!
And while these turned out cute, I didn't love the process as much as I thought I would
and haven't made anymore since.
They did sell however and I might try again sooner or later.

It's super easy.
I just have gotten out of the habit of taking pictures of the process.
I will try to explain.

First get your pieces of pallet wood and cut to size.
Screw them together from the back with a couple of cross pieces.
I used some paper and cut out an arrow that would fit the space on the board.
Fold it in half before cutting so the sides are the same.

Lay the paper template on the board and mark where the nails will go.
They are pretty evenly spaced but not to tightly placed.
Make sense?

Tap some finish nails in that have a decent size head to them.
You want the string to stay in place and not slip off over the top of the nail.

I used some crochet thread that I had on hand to string the arrows.
Tie a square knot at one end and start stringing.
I wrapped the string around the nail 360 degrees to secure and move on to the next nail.

Keep going keeping the string taught.
If you don't like it, just unwind and start over.
Easy peasy!
Tie off the end and you're done!

Now for the pics!

These last pics are from the same batch.
I think I went a little arrow crazy with these
but I think they are fun and whimsical.
Each one is hand painted on.
It was fun playing with different arrow designs!
Perfect for a boys room or man cave!
Sorry my staging doesn't depict that.
I'm really bad at staging.
Maybe if my life would calm down a bit I'd have time...
Wishful thinking!

Just Awesome!

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