Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Little Custom Numerology

Normally I love doing custom work.
It's fun to try to recreate what people have imagined.
I like it the most when I can use a little artistic license.
This was not one of those times.

The customer saw this board online and wanted one exactly like it.

Except a bigger 8 and a bigger board.
{J} at Twigs and Twine suggested we make the numbers about 10 inches tall.
And they had to be made from multiple kinds of media like wood, plastic, metal.
I looked all over for large metal numbers.
I even went to Signtastic here in AZ and they said for
a thin piece of metal over plastic that size would be
$40-$60 each.  


Definitely not in the budget.
I could cut them out of different thicknesses of wood 
and paint some to look like metal,
but she didn't like this first version.
The numbers were to squishy.
And the wood is too dark.

It's pallet wood for heavens sake!
No two pieces are alike.
Just the way I like it but unfortunately not the customer.

So I told her I could sand the wood down as much as possible and try to lighten it up a little.
It was a lot of sanding!
And it's still got some black spots from the nails.

Next was to find the numbers.
After a lot of looking online and in stores I scored a jackpot at Lowe's.
I got all these numbers for under $20.

Then I just had to buy a 0, 4, and 8, which I got from Hobby Lobby for about $13.
I cut the 7 myself out of plywood along with cutting the center out of the 0.

I had to text this picture to make sure 
the customer was happy with it before 
I took the numbers out of their packaging.
Huzzah!  She loved it!

Now a bit of paint.
She also wanted the 8 to be framed and stand out.
So I cut a piece of plywood, used some furring strips to make the frame
and glued it all together.  
It also got glued to the board along with the 0, 4, and 7.
I knew there was no way I could figure out how to screw them in place from the back
and I didn't want nail or screw holes seen from the front.

I think it turned out super cute and after a bit of stress worrying about
how to put it together, I'm glad it's done.

Perfect for a boys room or a baby room!

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