Monday, January 5, 2015

Bits of Everything

I've been crazy busy lately with projects, Christmas and keeping up with custom orders.
(which I love doing by the way!)
Ever since the Junk in The Trunk show in September I've loved making these hearts. 
Someday I will do a tutorial on how they go together.
After making so many of them, I've got it down to a science.
They are so fun and versatile and can be completely customized.
The super unique thing about these are that the wood comes from
solar panel pallets.  The wood is lighter and more of a plywood type.
But the best part is that the wood is all the same thickness and width.
Normal pallet wood isn't at all.
So this design wouldn't work with normal pallet wood.
You could easily buy pine boards to get the same effect
but I like the color differences and texture I get from the pallet wood.
So here's a few pics of what I've been working on.

These hearts are a snap to put together once the pallet slats have been dismantled.
Simply beautiful.

I saw these snowflakes on pinterest and definitely had to make some.
Plus it uses up all my scrap pieces.
They are super cute and I haven't
taken mine down yet from my front door.
Maybe I'm secretly hoping there will be some snow
here in Phoenix.
I think the closest I will get is this wood snowflake.

Of course I needed a forest to go with it.
Again super easy to put together and it uses my scraps.

I did these signs as my take on one my friend bought at a boutique.
They all sold and I've got another custom order for another one.
I may do one for me.
Love them!!

This last batch are a couple of custom orders I had for Christmas.
I love the challenge of doing a custom piece,
plus having the opportunity to make someone's idea become reality.

And it's back to work.
I promise I will do better and photographing my work and sharing.
Happy New Year!


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