Thursday, October 24, 2013

Last Minute Halloween Decor with Loads of Free Printables

So Halloween is only 1 week away.
And I'm just getting around to finishing up my decor.
It really was a last minute, 
lets throw some stuff together and hope it looks good kind of a process.

Luckily I had everything I needed.
Just go shopping in your own house and see what you have.
My decor ideas are taken from stuff you  probably already have around.
If you don't have it, be creative and use what you do.

Plus at the end I will give you loads of free printables.
I know you could pull that off.
Just -Save-Print-Done-.
If you're out of printer ink, 
well... you might have to go to the store for that one.
You're gonna need it eventually anyway right?

Let's get started.
This post is going to be picture rich.
Just a forewarning.

Kitchen Table.
A very good place to start.

For this table scape I grouped the following:

A large square of Chevron Fabric I had in my stash.
I think just about any black and white print would work well here.
I didn't even press it.
Just kind of laid it out and scrunched it up a little.

My black painted terra cotta pot.
It was left from another project.
Re-use right?

Some black fabric and a plastic pumpkin.
Both from my stash.

Then I just looked around and found some different glassware I had.
Along with the white metal pitcher from IKEA.

Some dead branches I broke off a tree outside.

And a sprinkling of some dried black beans from my pantry.

Done and Done.

Around my table I have my black picture frames you can see here and here.
I printed out some black and white skeleton images I got from The Graphics Fairy.
Some of them I used last time.  The owl and Raven are new this year.
Plus I resized them to be 5x7 instead of 8x10.
You can fit 2 on a page.

Each image was printed, cut out and mounted on random
pieces of Halloween scrapbook paper I had in my stash.
Again, use what you have.

I also made the Halloween banner to hang over the window.
The printables are at the end of this post.
They were also cut out and mounted on scrapbook paper.
I sewed the letters to a strip of ribbon.
You could also punch holes in the corners and string them up that way too.

Right side.

Left side.

Kitchen Done.

Now for the faux mantle.

I'm in Arizona.
Why would I need a real fireplace?

For decorating of course, but since I don't have one, this shelf is my next best thing.
It's in my living room over the couch.
I change it out regularly depending on the season.

You already saw the Chevron Boo31 board earlier.

I added a few things to finish it off.

I added this raven picture to a vintage frame I picked up 
from Goodwill a while ago.  
I think it fits perfectly.

The Mason jar and keys you can see here.
Along with some more glassware I found around the house.

I think a few are vintage apothecary jars,
along with a washed out Tabasco jar.
I'm just weird that way.

The Boo and Eek signs are also printables you will find at the end.
These were also sewn to a ribbon and strung up between my red shutters.

This  spiderweb wreath was so easy to make and I loved it so much I did two of them.
One for the faux mantle and one for the front door.
I used white crochet thread to string around my grapevine wreaths.
Make the cross pieces working around the circle going back and forth,
then start spiralling towards the center wrapping the string around each cross piece.
It's pretty simple once you get going.
I did have to push the center spiral out towards the edges a few times to keep them straight
and taught.

Tie off the center with a knot and add some plastic spiders.
Some were spider rings, others were just large plastic spiders.
Easy. Creepy!

Lastly, we had to have Randall.
We are huge Monsters Inc. fans.
A friend had cut out some monsters and witches to put in her windows using black roofing paper.
She bought a whole roll from Home Depot and had some left.
I asked if I could buy a few feet from her and she said just take what you need.

After looking all over for a good image of Randall and being unsucessful,
I just turned on the Movie and skipped to the end when Randall ends up in the Mobile Home.

I paused the movie and started sketching.
After I got the look I wanted, I cut it out and taped the images to my window.

One last look.
Try one, or try them all.
Just use what you have and get creative!

I promised free printables.
Here you go.
They are each sized to fit an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
Print to your hearts content,

Just don't sell them.
That's stealing.
Not cool!

Happy Halloween!

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